Why doesn't this work? Why do I keep getting 'Index of' on a white page?
I have watched the tutorial and I setup up the sub-domains through the cpanel. Since so many people get this to work I assume my problem is a simple fix. What am I missing? For example: on
thedallesartcenter.org i added a subdomain called iphone. so I go to
iphone.thedallesartcenter.org and nothing works. now I followed the tutorial for setting up the iphone address in Mobile Joomla but it doesn't work at all. I tested it with safari and the recommended iphone emulator. I have a second site I have tried putting mobile Joomla on but I will ignore it for now because the theme has a custom built mobile feature to it and now it doesn't work after installing this for mobile phones. I will probably un install this so the generic mobile feature at least works on the second site.
Any ideas what my problem might be? What would cause me to get 'index of/ ... cgi/bin' ?