I have some questions about configuring the IOS 9 template.
Is there a way to disable the Back and Home buttons in the toolbar?
I would like the title in the toolbar to be the same for all pages. Is hard-coding it in the template's index.php file the only way to do this?
When displaying a module with a title, how do I prevent it from being collapsible? I want to display it normally just like the desktop version.
I prefer the Reveal animation for panels. How do I change this?
Are there any plans to provide a right panel for this or any other template? The dropdown for the popup seems a bit odd.
And probably some bugs...
If I click any of these links in the Advance section of the template's style configuration page...
Edit css/custom.css
Edit css/custom_preload.txt
Edit js/custom.js
Edit js/custom_preload.txt (is .txt the correct extension?)
...I get an error.
An error has occurred.
0 Invalid controller: name='source', format=''
The Basic template has the same issue. Also, the documentation link for the Basic template is incorrect. It's going to www.mobilejoomla.com/documentation/15-templates/83-elegance-mobile-joomla-template.html which doesn't appear to exist anyway. I get a 404 error.
I have some questions about configuring the IOS 9 template.
Is there a way to disable the Back and Home buttons in the toolbar?
I would like the title in the toolbar to be the same for all pages. Is hard-coding it in the template's index.php file the only way to do this?
When displaying a module with a title, how do I prevent it from being collapsible? I want to display it normally just like the desktop version.
I prefer the Reveal animation for panels. How do I change this?
Are there any plans to provide a right panel for this or any other template? The dropdown for the popup seems a bit odd.
And probably some bugs...
If I click any of these links in the Advance section of the template's style configuration page...
Edit css/custom.css
Edit css/custom_preload.txt
Edit js/custom.js
Edit js/custom_preload.txt (is .txt the correct extension?)
...I get an error.
An error has occurred.
0 Invalid controller: name='source', format=''
The Basic template has the same issue. Also, the documentation link for the Basic template is incorrect. It's going to www.mobilejoomla.com/documentation/15-templates/83-elegance-mobile-joomla-template.html which doesn't appear to exist anyway. I get a 404 error.