hello, i installed your component and plugins, and when i viewed my website in a Google Chrome browser it would only show your mobile version of my website. what needs to be done to correct this issue?
I think your browser is detected as a mobile browser for some reason (Chrome add-on could cause this).
Which URL you use?
Is your site public?
Can you tell me your browser user agent (use whatsmyuseragent.com/ )
Which URL you use?
Is your site public?
Can you tell me your browser user agent (use whatsmyuseragent.com/ )
Thanks. My user agent is:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.472.55 Safari/534.3
I did notice this issue in the Chrome browser. Could this also be due to the plugin "always mobile"?
Don't understand your question about the URL..My site is public.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.472.55 Safari/534.3
I did notice this issue in the Chrome browser. Could this also be due to the plugin "always mobile"?
Don't understand your question about the URL..My site is public.
hello, can anyone help with this? why does it not work with google chrome?
jelangman wrote:
It could if you change setting of this plugin from "auto" to other value.
Did you have any errors/warnings during MobileJoomla install?
Could this also be due to the plugin "always mobile"?
It could if you change setting of this plugin from "auto" to other value.
Did you have any errors/warnings during MobileJoomla install?
thanks for the reply.
I tested that plugin, and it is not the issue. I believe this is a problem with Google Chrome. Will there be an update of this component to solve the problems it has with Chrome? Or is there some sort of workaround for Chrome that I am not aware of?
I tested that plugin, and it is not the issue. I believe this is a problem with Google Chrome. Will there be an update of this component to solve the problems it has with Chrome? Or is there some sort of workaround for Chrome that I am not aware of?
OK. Then it seems that you have TeraWURFL plugin unpublished (because of either you use PHP4, or have no bz2 library to correctly install MobileJoomla on host). MobileJoomla fails determining some browsers without TeraWURFL plugin (it will be fixed in MJ0.9..
yes, the terawurfl plugin was actually installed unpublished because i do not have the bz2 library. and when i published it there were errors..
hope you will fix this soon. thanks
hope you will fix this soon. thanks