What is it about iPhone...

14 years ago
...that prevents the page from displaying the site logo or site name? I have the iphone tab set to use my smartphone template (pda) but even though it can't or doesn't show the site logo (which does display for any other smartphone) it doesn't show the site name in place of it at least?? It's just blank space that doesn't l ook right. I'd like to use the same mobile template for all mobile devices (ie: blackberry, android, iphone, webOS, etc.) (other than smaller screened phones). How can I get it to show? Is there a workaround until this gets fixed?

I'd also like to link it to the homepage, if possible.
14 years ago
I have the same problem. Any help?
14 years ago
1. You can make your own template on the basis of mobile_pda or mobile_iphone, and modify it according to your wishes.
2. Also there is mod_mj_header module that shows either site title or an specified image (depending of modules settings).

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