White Screen after upgrading to 9.9.10

14 years, 1 month ago
Yes, I had to go back to 0.9.9 - it's a production server. But I had the same problem every time. Even with a complete uninstall and reinstall to 0.9.10, it just gives a white screen. I think there is a problem with the template. When I go back to 0.9.9 it works flawlessly out of the box - something got changed that is causing an issue. Sorry I can't be more helpful, but I'm not a programmer. For now I'll sit on 0.9.9 until someone finds the issue. Thanks!
14 years, 1 month ago
Ah, that would explain the lack of advertisement at the bottom of the page.
I do not know why the problem is occurring, but I did get it to work on my test site. I uninstalled 0.9.9 and installed 0.9.10 (it took over 5 minutes to install) and then got an iphone home page with menu without changing any parameters.
14 years, 1 month ago
There are so many variables - who knows where the problem lies. It could be a plugin that is interfering, it could be a problem with some code in the template, in the modules, in the plugin. I just know that 0.9.9 works flawlessly and 0.9.10 - white screen only. It's really strange and I hope they are able to figure something out - I really need the iPad feature - we have a lot of iPad users here in our complex.
14 years, 1 month ago

Just installed the last version and i'm having the same problem.....

the site is www.thesourcemag.net
14 years, 1 month ago
We found issue in MJ0.9.10 (use short tag "<?" instead of full "<?php"), so on some servers it may lead to parsing errors. It's fixed on github, and release file will be updated soon.
14 years, 1 month ago
It's VERY possible that I don't know what I'm doing, but when I cut and pasted the raw corrected version of the index.php file in the iphone template subdir, I get the same problem. Unless there was something else that needs to be corrected? Any idea on a timeline for a corrected release - I don't want to go back to 0.9.9 again unless it's going to be several days. Let me know.

Thanks! - Ted
14 years, 1 month ago
thanks for the update.

meantime i went back to version 0.9.9 until the fix is released
14 years, 1 month ago
Yeah, I just took it completely off until they get it figured out. I love the plug in, but it's a bit of a pain to go back and forth between versions. I hope they get it figured out soon - I REALLY need the ipad configuration that's in the new version.
14 years, 1 month ago
Just downloaded from git - the latest build. Now I have a menu - but under the footer I have:
 get('show_text'), ' '); $parts=arrary(); foreach($links as $link) { if($link['url']) $parts[] =".$link['text']."; else $parts[] = ".$link['text']."; } echo implode(' | ', $parts); ?> 
Also, will there be a way to remove the ads? Can't have ads on a Government site, otherwise, I'm going to have to go with another solution.
Thanks for your continued work! - Ted
14 years, 1 month ago
Hey guys, we will release the update soon. We had major changes, so please bear with us little more this time.

We also will release Ad removal extension very soon, we know it might not be convenient for some of you. That's just a way for us to keep on working, but we will make sure it doesn't cause any inconvenience to you and done in the right way.

Below are some more details;


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