Great Problem with upgrade to version 1.0.2

12 years, 4 months ago
Dear Sirs,

I upgraded to version 1.0.2 and I are having some problems. the component is not aware if the site is visited by a mobile device or PC with the result that the PC is displayed on the mobile template and reverse. all plugins are enabled, and the installation was successful. Please, because I can control your component is installed on 10 websites and I had to uninstall everything. I just left a site:

with best regards,

12 years, 4 months ago
It correctly detects mobile devices, most likely you switched to desktop version on your device (by Select Markup module or using "device=..." way).
12 years, 4 months ago
how do I configure the module because the device knows where autosense?
12 years, 4 months ago
I would like to ask a question because maybe I do not understand how this component automatically recognizes if the request is from a PC or a mobile? or the navigator must choose the template by the Select Markup
12 years, 4 months ago
I'm outraged that do not respond to posts in a constructive manner. how do you buy the pro version if you can not understand how the free version? I-mobile version joomla creates many problems on my site and I can not answer because you do not respond and this is not good
12 years, 4 months ago
calciodonn wrote:
I would like to ask a question because maybe I do not understand how this component automatically recognizes if the request is from a PC or a mobile? or the navigator must choose the template by the Select Markup

Initially MJ detects device type automatically and switches to corresponding template, but using Select Markup module visitor can switch to another mode, e.g. to get "full" desktop view on mobile, or to get light mobile version on desktop.
12 years, 4 months ago
thanks for the answer. because some visitors connect with the PC and see the mobile version?
12 years, 4 months ago
calciodonn wrote:
thanks for the answer. because some visitors connect with the PC and see the mobile version?

For such users we have simple test page:
This page check users browser headers using each of existing MJ plugins (Simple, AMDD, and Scientia) and display detected mode ('' for desktop, 'xhtml' for smartphone, and 'iphone' for iPhone).

Also note that MJ saves current mobile mode in cookies, so after change mode using Select Markup plugin, new mode will be used even after restart of the browser, and user should use Select Markup module to switch back or clear cookies to run redetection procedure.

And finally, check that you don't use caching proxy server, or some other page caching solution that interferes with MJ.
12 years, 3 months ago
Your mobile device is detected correctly. I think it happens on the desktop you use.
12 years, 3 months ago
we can work around this problem by using the specific address of the device-mobile? example, the subdomains?
I would eliminate the problem that a visitor visits the website from your pc and see the mobile version

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