Hi There,
Main menu buttons at the top of the mobile_pda template seem to be vertically overlapping a bit and it could be a problem for fingers touching a small mobile screen. I've tried adding padding-bottom to the main menu links in css/mj_xhtml.css but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Adding padding-right however, does work, so I know I've got the right selector. Any hints on what I could be doing wrong? This might be a really basic css issue. I'm a newbie. Thanks,
Main menu buttons at the top of the mobile_pda template seem to be vertically overlapping a bit and it could be a problem for fingers touching a small mobile screen. I've tried adding padding-bottom to the main menu links in css/mj_xhtml.css but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Adding padding-right however, does work, so I know I've got the right selector. Any hints on what I could be doing wrong? This might be a really basic css issue. I'm a newbie. Thanks,