Strangely I followed some other posts, piecing together, and was able to resolve on my own.
I took the SQL file from the MJ archive (unzipping the file that you use to install Mobile Joomla), and in the extracted files located in /plugins/terawurfl/tera_dumpl.sql, and replaced all '#__' with 'jos_' using UltraEdit (sql file editor).
I then went into my Godaddy mypHpadmin, and imported the updated sql file.
I then had to go into my Joomla administration, and then in the plugins, make sure the Mobile TeraWURFL plugin was enabled, AND i had to change the plugin parameters to force to use mysql4-compatible version to 'Yes (mysql4).
So far this has completely resolved my issues, and took a while to put all this info together.
I think your support responses were leading people in this area, but the technical level of the verbiage and communication was just too far over peoples heads. Luckily I have the technical experience to understand much of it, but for the simple user, it could be very confusing, or not descriptive enough.
Hopefully my steps will help other Godaddy hosted Joomla users. Thanks!