Mobile Joomla! Templates update: Elegance 1.3.20 and Flat 1.0.24
Tuesday, 06 May 2014 00:00
Hey guys, Mobile Joomla! templates Elegance and Flat have gotten a new business-as-usual-update which includes the latest versions of several underlying libraries:
- Included jQuery 1.11.1 and 1.2.1
- Updated Add to homescreen script to version 3.0.1
Added support for Mobile Chrome browser (both iOS and Android). Notice: current version 3.0.1 includes en_us, it_it, and nl_nl languages only. - Updated Fastclick script to version 1.0.1
Fix work with form elements in iOS - Updated FitVids script to version 1.1
Fix issue with style injection in Chrome - Updated LazyLoadXT script to version 1.0.2
Minor bugfixes
New support ad types for better support
Friday, 04 April 2014 00:00
Maintaining an open source product is not easy, it requires lots of time and resources not only to develop, but also to support. Lately, we’ve been feeling that it’d be great to have more people on board to help you on the public support forums. Since we are running on a tight budget, we started to brainstorm how we could make that happen. Raising our premium product prices or compromising quality would not be an option, so we thought that testing a new type of mobile ads within the Mobile Joomla! Community version would be the most reasonable way to go.
It’s important for us that those ads to be as unobtrusive as possible. The current ad type we are testing display a pop-up notification to the mobile visitor on iPhone or Android phone, if/when a visitor has scrolled down to the bottom of a page, i.e. already consumed the content of the page. We would like to keep these ads as discreet as possible, and therefore if the user closes/skips the ad, it will only reappear to that user after at least 48 hours. If closed again, the ad won't show until at least one week. After that, it's hidden for a minimum of one month.
So far we've gotten some feedback and understood that there are certain types of websites, like those of educational organizations, for which these kinds of ads are somewhat poor fit and which don't have enough budget even for Mobile Joomla! Basic, our completely ad-free version. Therefore, we are happy to offer our Community users a way to opt out of these new ads, simply by sending an email to us with the subject "Ads opt-out" to
Please let us know if you have any questions or comments on this, we’ll be happy to hear from you.
Welcoming Lazy Load XT for jQuery: Lazy Load Images, Videos and Other Media
Wednesday, 18 December 2013 00:00
We have released Lazy Load XT, a new jQuery plugin for lazy loading of images, videos and other media elements to the jQuery community out there.
Previously this plugin was included in our Flat and Elegance templates. Lazy Load XT is able to significantly speed up loading of image and/or video-heavy webpages.
Since this plugin is not Joomla! dependent we decided to make it available as a separate project. You can have a look at the Lazy Load XT demo page where you can see this plugin at work and test it in different browsers. All feedback is welcome!
Usage is rather simple: just load jQuery and Lazy Load XT javascript files and rename "src" attribute to "data-src" in your <img> tags. We've designed the tool to suit most use cases without any extra configuration. Additional ways to extend the plugin are described in documentation.
This plugin is part of the CMS-independent project devoted to advance combined client-side and server-side responsive web design. Stay tuned, as we are going to release more improved responsive web design techniques! Naturally all our Mobile Joomla! users benefit from the new development and techniques as well!
Mobile Joomla! 1.2.8 and Mobile Joomla! Pro 1.2.10
Friday, 22 November 2013 00:00
New release of Mobile Joomla! is ready for you to install! In this version you find:
- Support of Joomla! 3.2
- Fixed homepage detection in Joomla! 3.x
- Fixed redirect to mobile subdomains for non-SEF URLs
- Updated mobile email cloaking (without "(at)" instead of "@")
- Updated our AMDD device database with lots of new device screen sizes included
As always, you can update to the new version from your administrative panel via Mobile Joomla! Remote Update feature, or by downloading Mobile Joomla! package and installing it in the Joomla! backend. Also do not forget to backup your website before the upgrade!
Remember to subscribe our RSS feed, follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page to keep on top of all latest Mobile Joomla! news.
Elegance 1.3.11 and Flat 1.0.15 templates have been released
Wednesday, 16 October 2013 00:00
All Elegance and Flat Mobile Joomla! template users ahoy! We have just released new versions, Elegance 1.3.11 and Flat 1.0.15. As usual, updates fix some minor bugs and improve existing features.
First of all, good news for Elegance template users: we have installed our modification of jQueryMobile's ThemeRoller at It fixes issue with retina icons in "Default icon: Black" mode (known issue of original ThemeRoller that is not fixed yet) and provides better CSS compression (by 10-15%).
In these releases we also added the support of iOS7 icons, so that you can set up different iOS6 and iOS7 icons if you like.
We also fixed processing of "Standard" icon to support the so-called "one-icon" technique: use "Standard" icon in high resolution (e.g. 1024x1024px) for all devices and remove all other device-specific icons.
Other changes are listed below:
- Fixed an issue with uploading icons
- Switched to original jQM's header handling
- Fixed the conflict of panel and fixed header bar in tablet mode
- Renamed class '.container' to '.jcomponent' to fix a conflict with bootstrap styles; update your custom styles if it is necessary
- Updated Add to Homescreen script to v2.0.11
- Updated FastClick script to v0.6.11
Mobile Joomla! 1.2.7 and Mobile Joomla! Pro 1.2.9
Thursday, 26 September 2013 00:00
Are you ready for an update? Mobile Joomla! 1.2.7 and Mobile Joomla! Pro 1.2.9 are here.
Changes and improvements:
- Improved loading of language files (note that we have a special thread on the forum for Mobile Joomla! translations)
- Fixed a few warnings/notices related to PHP strict mode
- Improved compatibility with JBrowser class (J!3.0)
As always, you can update to the new version from your administrative panel via Mobile Joomla! Remote Update feature, or by downloading Mobile Joomla! package and installing it in the Joomla! backend. Also do not forget to backup your website before the upgrade!
Remember to subscribe our RSS feed, follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page to keep on top of all latest Mobile Joomla! news.
Mobile Joomla! templates Elegance 1.3.6 and Flat 1.0.10 have been released
Sunday, 01 September 2013 00:00

We have released new versions of our templates: Flat Mobile Joomla! template 1.0.10 and Elegance Mobile Joomla! template 1.3.6. There are a lot of changes and improvements, in particular:
- Support of FitVids script for responsive videos. Previous versions of Elegance and Flat rescaled videos (to fit screen width) using css rules that sometimes led to incorrect aspect ratio. FitVids does some magic to keep aspect ratio. Note that FitVids is disabled by default (for backward compatibility and to reduce total page size).
- Support of Lazy Images Loading. This technique allows to load images that are visible on the screen only, and other images will be loaded on demand when user scrolls to them.
- Support of different CDN providers for loading of jQuery/jQueryMobile:,,,, Detailed comparison will be published later, but you can choose one that's fastest for your site/location.
- All template's javascript files were reminified (recompressed) using Google's Closure Compiler (some files have been reduced by up to 50%).
- Update to add2home library (added support of iOS7).
- Other minor fixes.
All these changes make our premium templates Flat and Elegance even faster and more responsive than before. We hope you enjoy this release!
Should you find any issues in our templates, or have a feature request, please post it on Premium Support Forum.
Elegance 1.3.2 and Flat 1.0.6 have been released
Tuesday, 30 July 2013 13:19
We have just released new versions of our premium Mobile Joomla! templates Elegance 1.3.2 and Flat 1.0.6.
The new versions include:
- Updates of two underlying libraries: jQueryMobile 1.3.2 and FastClick 0.6.9,
- Fixes to several issues:
- Fix for asset combining
- Fixed sh404sef compatibility
- Fixed styles of fixed mode for header and footer
- Removed duplicated css code
- Hid empty message area (J!3.x)
- Fixed color picker styles in backend (J!3.x)
- Two new features:
- “Enable Zoom” to allow users to scale your website with pinch gesture,
- “Enable Enhance Management” to have a way to disable jQueryMobile enhancement for specified extensions.
The latter new feature allows you fix possible compatibility issues between jQueryMobile framework and 3rd party extensions that may use their own themes (e.g. JomSocial). You can disable the enhancing of specific components directly from Elegance/Flat template’s settings (in the Advanced section). As to modules, you can disallow enhancing by set “noenhance” in Module Class Suffix field in module’s settings. Note that “Enable Enhance Management” is disabled by default, as it may lead to slowdowns in page loading.
More Articles...
- Mobile Joomla! 1.2.6 and Mobile Joomla! Pro 1.2.8
- Mobile Joomla! Elegance Template 1.3.0 Release
- Flat Mobile Joomla! Template Launches
- Kunena Mobile Extension Now Supports Kunena 3.0 And CAPTCHA
- NEW: Mobile Social Share Buttons - Mobile Joomla! Module
- Mobile Joomla! 1.2.5 and Mobile Joomla! Pro 1.2.7 released
- Mobile Joomla! 1.2.4 and Mobile Joomla! Pro 1.2.6 released
- Server Upgrade Completed!
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