Elegance 1.3.2 and Flat 1.0.6 have been released
Tuesday, 30 July 2013 13:19
We have just released new versions of our premium Mobile Joomla! templates Elegance 1.3.2 and Flat 1.0.6.
The new versions include:
- Updates of two underlying libraries: jQueryMobile 1.3.2 and FastClick 0.6.9,
- Fixes to several issues:
- Fix for asset combining
- Fixed sh404sef compatibility
- Fixed styles of fixed mode for header and footer
- Removed duplicated css code
- Hid empty message area (J!3.x)
- Fixed color picker styles in backend (J!3.x)
- Two new features:
- “Enable Zoom” to allow users to scale your website with pinch gesture,
- “Enable Enhance Management” to have a way to disable jQueryMobile enhancement for specified extensions.
The latter new feature allows you fix possible compatibility issues between jQueryMobile framework and 3rd party extensions that may use their own themes (e.g. JomSocial). You can disable the enhancing of specific components directly from Elegance/Flat template’s settings (in the Advanced section). As to modules, you can disallow enhancing by set “noenhance” in Module Class Suffix field in module’s settings. Note that “Enable Enhance Management” is disabled by default, as it may lead to slowdowns in page loading.
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