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few questions
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TOPIC: few questions

few questions 12 years, 2 months ago #13278

  • dotcom22
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 31
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I plan to buy Pro and Elegance template and need some more infos:

1) I was on MB with my Iphone and I seen is possible to switch between mobile to standard site. However I don't have find how to do for switch back from standard to mobile.

any clues?

2) When using Iphone, I seen we can add the site on the desktop as advertised on your site.

a) Do you plan to add this feature also for other device like Android ?

b) Is possible to add our own custom Iphone icon instead to use your MB icon ?

3) What about the new Window 8 ? For example the last Nokia Lumia 920 is supported ?

4) If I buy Pro and Elegance the price will be 99+69= 168$ and if I get your Club subscription, the price is 199$ for "all premium templates and extensions". However for what I see, except Elegance you don't have any others templates and your extensions are not useful for me. So in my case it seem is best to buy products separately and save 30$...

Do you confirm ?

5) I use Community Builder with their new Twitter Bootstrap template and this template seem to be responsive, however I'm not sure if it will well fit inside your own Elegance...

Have you some users who use CB (even without Bootstrap template) where I can see the result ?


Re: few questions 12 years, 2 months ago #13279

  • dryabov
  • Administrator
  • Denis Ryabov, Lead Developer
  • Posts: 4864
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1) MJ installs two instances of mode switcher module: in mj_all_footer position for mobile templates and in footer position for desktop template. The problem is that some desktop templates name bottom position in another way (not "footer") and the module should be assigned to correct position (and imho it's better to assign it to one of top left positions to easily found it in mobile browsers).

2a) In Androids it's more complicated to add icon to home screen (the webpage should be bookmarked and then in bookmarks it's necessary to tap-n-hold to display option to add to home). And it may differ depending on Android version, so it's hard to display exhaustive explanation in popup.

2b) Yes, just replace preinstalled png image with your own.

3) Windows 8 phones are supported, and we are going to add some improvements further (like display of "iphone" icon in tile, etc.).

4) Club subscription includes mobile plugins for Kunena forum and JComments. That's why the price is higher.

5) We didn't test MJ and Elegance with latest CB yet. There was some issues with previous versions of CB because of table layouts, and we hope that bootstrap-based template fixes them.

Re: few questions 12 years, 2 months ago #13280

  • dotcom22
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 31
  • Karma: 0
thank for quick reply... Hope to get this same level of speed in case I choose to buy Pro stuff

About point 1 that mean we can choose or modify the module position for match with our own template? Typically I use Rocketheme template and the bottom position is not simply named "footer" but "footer-a" OR "footer-b" and so on depending of the number of columns layout we have (960 grid system).

About point 5 Bootstrap do not use table...and all others default CB template can be switched from DIV style instead to TABLE style (this is a simple param inside CB Configuration). SO in practice I must buy Elegance and hope CB will fit in mobile device ?? Is no possible to be sure or to get a refund if is not the case ?

Re: few questions 12 years, 2 months ago #13281

  • dryabov
  • Administrator
  • Denis Ryabov, Lead Developer
  • Posts: 4864
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p1) Yes, just open that module in joomla's module manager and change its position.

p2) Seems some additional plugin used tables last time I checked it. Anyway, CB worked with Elegance (but unfortunately AJAX mode should be disabled in Elegance settings), maybe just some css overrides would be necessary to reduce paddings, etc.

Re: few questions 12 years, 1 month ago #13819

dryabov wrote:

2b) Yes, just replace preinstalled png image with your own.

Where is this located? I do not see it in the file structure. The location it refers to in the iphone.php code is:
echo '<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="'.JURI::base(true).'/templates/'.$template.'/apple-touch-icon.png" />';

The template it refers to is what?

Re: few questions 12 years, 1 month ago #13822

  • dryabov
  • Administrator
  • Denis Ryabov, Lead Developer
  • Posts: 4864
  • Karma: 105
mqcarpenter wrote:
The template it refers to is what?

It refers to active template (mobile_iphone by default for iPhones).
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