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Template not switching to mobile_basic on desktop
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TOPIC: Template not switching to mobile_basic on desktop

Template not switching to mobile_basic on desktop 7 years, 6 months ago #20896

Hello everybody.
I have a website based on Joomla 2.5 and I installed mobile joomla.
I have enabled the mobile switcher in the footer, so that I can switch to mobile_basic template by clicking on "mobile" link.
The mobile link is built as <desktopurl>/?device=mobile. If I click on the mobile link, the switch to the mobile_basic template works only if I am in the home pages. In the other pages the template remains the desktop one, even if I see the "/?device=mobile" markup in the browser address bar. After playing around I found that, in the function onAfterRoute() in /plugins/system/mobilejoomla/mobilejoomla.php, the condition ($mjDevice->markup === false) is verified, and this causes the template not be set.

This condition is not verified when I'm in the home page.
How can I solve it? If somebody wants to help I can give you privately the website. Best regards Alberto
Last Edit: 7 years, 6 months ago by albertoamori.

Re: Template not switching to mobile_basic on desktop 7 years, 6 months ago #20898

@albertoamori ,

Can you provide us the URL on your site so that we can try to replicate the issue?


John Mark C.
Mobile Joomla! Support

Re: Template not switching to mobile_basic on desktop 7 years, 6 months ago #20899

Hi, the website is buylocalnumbers.com.
Notice that I have disabled the mobile switcher, so to reproduce the issue you have to add ?device=mobile to the URL in the browser address bar

Edit: for your convenience I have enabled the mobile switcher. You can find it in the website footer.
Edit: I have solved the issue doing a backup restore of the files of the website. Unfortunately I wasn't able to identify the root cause of the issue. If I discover it, I will publish it in this forum, so that other people avoid to fall in the same issue. I apologize for the inconvenient and I thank you for the attention you have dedicated to this issue.
Last Edit: 7 years, 6 months ago by albertoamori. Reason: Problem solved

Re: Template not switching to mobile_basic on desktop 7 years, 6 months ago #20901


I tried to replicate the issue but I cannot see the problem. I tried the mobile switcher and went to other page and it remains on mobile. Please see video: www.screencast.com/t/IyXTCaCs9c

Can you also send a screenshot or video from your end please?

Re: Template not switching to mobile_basic on desktop 7 years, 6 months ago #20903

you cannot reproduce the problem because, as I wrote in the edit of my last post, I solved the problem restoring the backup of my website of some days ago.
Making a folder comparison of the "bad" and "new" website version, I found that the reason of the issue was the presence of these instructions in the .htaccess:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?/$1 [L]

I had added them to cut the index.php at the end of the urls, because this was creating some routing errors in special circumstances, but in this way I have basically broken my website. I have learnt the lesson, that I need to make a non-regression test list at every change.

Sorry for the time I had made you spent on this topic. I hope that learning from my mistake can be useful to other developers.
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