So, you love the Mobile Joomla! idea, you think it looks great on your phone and can't wait to put your hands on? In order to make Mobile Joomla! a great product for you and us, we need your help to
spread the word. We need more people hear about MJ, and test on their phones; so that we can release it soon. Below I drafted some ideas how you could spread the word and help us to bring Mobile Joomla! sooner and better to you;
- Follow Mobile Joomla! on Twitter and let your Tweeps know about it (
- When a news is tweeted by Mobile Joomla! ReTweet it further
- Write a blog post about Mobile Joomla! and tell why it's going to kick ass
- Post on Forums you are of an active member, and let people know about Mobile Joomla!
- Post Mobile Joomla! news on your Facebook status
- Invite your Facebook friends to Mobile Joomla! page (
- Participate on Mobile Joomla! forums, create conversation
- Back link to Mobile Joomla! from your blog or web site
- There are many old articles on how to mobilize Joomla! sites. Let them know that now there is the ultimate answer: Mobile Joomla!
In the future;
- Write a Mobile Joomla! review blog post
- Showcase your Mobile Joomla! site to your friends
- Embed Mobile Joomla! badge to your blog
- Create a new module or mobile template
If you have any other ideas, please post here so that we can add them to the main list.