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Ideas on how to spread the word
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TOPIC: Ideas on how to spread the word

Ideas on how to spread the word 15 years, 3 months ago #10

So, you love the Mobile Joomla! idea, you think it looks great on your phone and can't wait to put your hands on? In order to make Mobile Joomla! a great product for you and us, we need your help to spread the word. We need more people hear about MJ, and test on their phones; so that we can release it soon. Below I drafted some ideas how you could spread the word and help us to bring Mobile Joomla! sooner and better to you;

- Follow Mobile Joomla! on Twitter and let your Tweeps know about it (twitter.com/mobilejoomla)
- When a news is tweeted by Mobile Joomla! ReTweet it further
- Write a blog post about Mobile Joomla! and tell why it's going to kick ass
- Post on Forums you are of an active member, and let people know about Mobile Joomla!
- Post Mobile Joomla! news on your Facebook status
- Invite your Facebook friends to Mobile Joomla! page (www.facebook.com/MobileJoomla)
- Participate on Mobile Joomla! forums, create conversation
- Back link to Mobile Joomla! from your blog or web site
- There are many old articles on how to mobilize Joomla! sites. Let them know that now there is the ultimate answer: Mobile Joomla!

In the future;

- Write a Mobile Joomla! review blog post
- Showcase your Mobile Joomla! site to your friends
- Embed Mobile Joomla! badge to your blog
- Create a new module or mobile template

If you have any other ideas, please post here so that we can add them to the main list.


Ideas on how to spread the word 15 years, 3 months ago #761

  • jwheeler
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 4
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better SEO? unless this site was only put up in the last week, in which case ignore me. lol

if this turns out great, believe me ill recommend it to everyone.

Ideas on how to spread the word 15 years, 3 months ago #764

Yes, we just put it up last week As we get backlinks, I am sure it will get better in time.

Thanks for helping us to spread the word!

Ideas on how to spread the word 15 years, 3 months ago #778

Hi Babylon,

You may be right, it might be frustrating for some to see it's not available for download. However, we want to make sure everything is tested and ready before the release. I think it could be worse if we hurried and released something that doesn't work Now MJ is in sneak preview, next we will invite for alpha, and then there will be beta release that anyone can download and use.

About the site size: As Joomla!, MobileJoomla! also has (and will have) many templates that one can choose a lighter one depending the audience.

Hope these clarify some.

Ideas on how to spread the word 15 years, 2 months ago #791

  • phong94
  • Fresh Boarder
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I somewhat agree with babylon. I've tried spreading the word, but until you can get some more sites "active" with it, I think it will be a little slow. People need to see it in action across a variety of sites to appreciate it. I think once you get some other sites in alpha testing.....things will definitely pick up. I just read the tweet on the alpha testing...great news and hope I can be a part of that effort!

Happy holidays!

Ideas on how to spread the word 15 years, 2 months ago #794

  • hank3319
  • Fresh Boarder
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As soon it's available i'll start using it for my own site (www.discoverydiving.nl).
I will make an announcement on my site for its users to
go mobile as well.

Ideas on how to spread the word 15 years, 2 months ago #801

  • Kid_Stevie
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Like i said here;

i want to use it for a school project and of course we will tell about mobile joomla and a lot of people may going use it for (school)projects or there own sites!

Ideas on how to spread the word 15 years, 2 months ago #815

  • charlie
  • Fresh Boarder
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Spread the word, well once I get my hands on it and can actually test it for my self I will recommend it on a webmaster forum where I am a mentor plus on several other sites that I use.

Ideas on how to spread the word 15 years ago #1297

  • Aroab
  • Fresh Boarder
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Some real basic SEO needs to be done. I searched long and hard for this site even after I knew it existed.

Ideas on how to spread the word 15 years ago #1336

  • C00L
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 191
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Which keywords did you use?
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