Hello guys,
I just recently found out about Mobile Joomla. Thanks to @mobilejoomla for following me on Twitter.
I'm looking into Template Frameworks out there that offers mobile support. Rockettheme has Gantry, Joomlart has T3, Prothemer has Morph, etc. Most template frameworks offer ways to customize a template for Mobile browsing. And all of them are good!
So here's my question, what would be the advantage of using MobileJoomla as a full-pledge extension system for supporting Mobile devices? Those template frameworks seem to do a good job already.
I'm asking this because we're opening up a template club, MagicThemes. I'm looking into MobileJoomla as a platform we can use in supporting Mobile Devices instead of coding from scratch like other template frameworks did. If MobileJoomla truly has advantages over those frameworks, then we will just release MobileJoomla version of our templates.
I hope you can enlighten me on this one. Thank you!
- Israel