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Site Goes Completely Blank
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TOPIC: Site Goes Completely Blank

Site Goes Completely Blank 14 years, 6 months ago #417

  • rubyjliamf
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 4
  • Karma: 0
Why does keeping Mobile - TeraWURFL Plugin active make my site go completely blank? I've seen this posted in other areas of the forum, but no one has been able to give a complete answer. As far as my research has told me, this is the best Component for serving different versions of my site to different devices, but if I can't get it to work properly without a hack, and makes my site go completely blank without having expert programming knowledge then what is the point? I am an average Joomla user, but editing in the back end is not my thing. I should be able to install a component and run with it. For now, some of my site seems to be working with mobile devices (not iphones as I can tell) so what am I supposed to do? Does that Plugin effect how iphone users are seeing my site? What do I have to do to get the component to work correctly? I have latest version of Joomla and this component installed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Site Goes Completely Blank 14 years, 6 months ago #1914

  • dryabov
  • Administrator
  • Denis Ryabov, Lead Developer
  • Posts: 4864
  • Karma: 105
TeraWURFL uses mysqli library (not just mysql) to connect to MySQL database. If the library is not adjusted then TeraWURFL fails. So, first of all try to force your Joomla installation to work in mysqli mode.
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