I've installed mobilejoomla on my site, which is on a hosted windows site. The version of PHP that they support does not support MySQLi so TeraWurlf has been disabled on the site.
However, I noticed that TeraWurfl is capable of supporting SQL server, which my hosting company offers. I can see that the TeraWurlf files included in mobilejoomla appear to be a subset of the total files in TeraWurfl. So I downloaded the "full" version of TeraWurfl and imported the admin folder and it's contents. I also imported the TeraWurflDatabase_MSSQL2005.php file into the databaseconnectors folder, and changed the TeraWurflConfig.php file accordingly.
When I browsed to
<mydomain>/<subfolder>/plugins/mobile/terawurfl/terawurfl/admin/index.php the admin screen appears correctly. From there, I was able to create and populate the SQL server TeraWurfl database. If I run
<mydomain>/<subfolder>/plugins/mobile/terawurfl/terawurfl/check_wurfl.php, it works correctly and returns a result.
The problem is that if I go into Joomla and then enable the Terawurlf plug in, I get a blank screen instead of the Joomla site. I've read that a blank screen indicates a fatal php error. But as I'm on a hosted windows server, I have no idea if or where an error log is written to. So I'm unsure how to proceed.
Any suggestions in terms of what to do next, or how to trace the fault would be most welcome.