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CSS Overflow Working on Mobile platforms
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TOPIC: CSS Overflow Working on Mobile platforms

CSS Overflow Working on Mobile platforms 13 years, 1 month ago #6521

I have a site - wisdomwithwealth.org - which has a CSS box in the layout of many pages - for example - wisdomwithwealth.org/explore/questions/free-sample/146-how-does-god-make-people-rich. The CSS overflow doesn't work on Ipad's and mobile devices.

I know that is not a new issue, but as I have searched the web I can't find a good solution. I've tried to work with Iscroll and discovered some good mobile detection scripts on MobileEsp, but I was wondering if there was an easier solution that already has the detection and scrolling together. Do you have any good resources on this?

Thank you,

Sam Drew
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