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Page is too wide
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TOPIC: Page is too wide

Page is too wide 14 years, 3 months ago #663

  • jsw2k
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 2
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I can't get the width to display right; it seems to think the display is 5 times wider than it should be. The user agent is identified correctly. I have the same problem using the user agent switcher on my desktop using FireFox, but not when using iphonetester.com.

I've only tested with iphone, iphonetetser.cm and Firefox w/ User Agent Switcher.

I've wiped my Joomla site and am now using the "default" Joomla install, with the Beez template and the default Moble Joomla install. I've tried varying the parameters in the <Meta Tag viewport...> line in the HTML.

Still displays too wide (making the text too small to read and causing the user to pinch zoom) and requires scrolling to see the width of the page.

I'm a newbie, but I've been working on this for a couple of weeks, off and on. I've been all through the forum on this and other sites; Google'd, etc, all to no avail.

OK, so if any one can shed some light on this, I'd be greatly appreciative.


Actual URL: www.accutechdirect.com/Live_2Nite/
URL alias: live2nite.net
EWD Hosting / US Shared Hosting - EWD Starter Hosting Package
MJ version: 0.9.9 (also had same problem w/ 0.9.

Server Stats ---------------------------------
Operating system Linux
Hosting package EWD Starter
Path to PERL /usr/bin/perl
Server Name gsxr7
Kernel version 2.6.9-78.0.22.ELsmp
cPanel Version 11.26.20
Shared Ip Address
Architecture i686
MySQL version 5.0.91-community
Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
Apache version 2.2.15
PHP version 5.2.13
cPanel Pro 1.0 (RC1)
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