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Desktop site lost submenus, modul slideshow and Flash? -Solved-
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TOPIC: Desktop site lost submenus, modul slideshow and Flash? -Solved-

Desktop site lost submenus, modul slideshow and Flash? -Solved- 13 years, 1 month ago #7050

First I want to thank for this greate extension, there is a lot of work behind this and I appreciate it!

I have installed, and everything was running fine, both desktop and mobile site.
But my submenues was not availeble in mobile menues.

But when I look at my Desktop site, submenues are gone too, and slideshow / Flash stuff.
If I hit my logo (liked to my domain) everything becomes fine on my start page, but when I click "Home" it becomes a mobile page.
And all my other pages are also "clean" mobile pages, but if I change language the site is ok again.

I am confused!?
I tried to deactivate all MJ modules and Plugins, without any change to my desktop site-problem.

Mobile menues are set to "submenu only"

What happend?
Last Edit: 13 years, 1 month ago by Blip Blop 75.

Re: Desktop site lost submenus, slideshow and Flash? -Solved- 13 years, 1 month ago #7053

We have fixed the problem.

Breafly, this was our problem:
Modules dissapered, Submenues, dissapered. Modules like Flash players, links and more.

When MJ is installed it ads meunes in the menulist when you edit modules.

Lets take an example:
Lets say we have this menus:



And under ABOUT US are submenus: About our dog - About our cat

In our HOME page we have 2 modules with big squares with image links:
1: Flash-ads 2: Web-player


In Extensions / Modules we have a About_US_MENU.

Open it, and we have a list where this module is active (Main Menu - About us).
But now when we installed MJ it had added Mobile_Menu ( I followed the installation vodeo tutorial, which includes creating Menu_mobile).

Under Mobile_menu there is another a About us, Select it also so that you have selected both About us.

Done, now your submenues Our Dog, OUR CAT work.

Open Your Flash-ads module, it is active in HOME under your Main Menu list, but select also HOME under Mobile_menu.

Done now your Flash module is visible again on front page.
Repeat for Web-player module.


Why Mobile_menu mess up Desktop site is a mystery.

I hope this healp if You have same problem.
Last Edit: 13 years, 1 month ago by Blip Blop 75.
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