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Table size?
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TOPIC: Table size?

Table size? 13 years, 1 month ago #7058

My site is going mobile!!!
menues and submenues are working!
Images and text is adjusting!
Exellent work Mobile Joomla!

Is it possible to make MJ adjust tables just like it can rezise images to fit mobile screen?
And is it possible to make tables adjust size to Iphone "portrait mode" (mobile up) and " landskape mode" (mobile tilt)?

I´m making a unique page for Iphone because desktop page tabels is going out of screen, but if I tilt mobile, tabels dont adjust in iphone page?

Or do I have to change an article to module to make it work?
Last Edit: 13 years, 1 month ago by Blip Blop 75.
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