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Resize Header on iPhone Template
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TOPIC: Resize Header on iPhone Template

Resize Header on iPhone Template 14 years, 1 month ago #740

I am new to Joomla and MobileJoomla. Thank you for such a nice template!

I used a Custom HTML Module to imbed my logo image and assigned it to "mj_iphone_header" and it works, but it gets resized down and leaves the right 15 (or so) pixels blank. If I set "Image adaptation method" to "Don't Rescale" the Header logo works great but the images are too big.

So my question is how do I use the "mj_iphone_header" image without being resized and let the rest of the site work correctly? I also tried using a Custom Module "Header" and it did the same thing.

Thank you for your input.


Resize Header on iPhone Template 14 years, 1 month ago #2912

  • dryabov
  • Administrator
  • Denis Ryabov, Lead Developer
  • Posts: 4864
  • Karma: 105
First solution is to center the image (read http://www.mobilejoomla.com/forum/topic.html?id=732).

Another one is to set zero as value of "Decrease Image Width" parameter.
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