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Moblile Joomla installed on a 2.5 site, now what?
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TOPIC: Moblile Joomla installed on a 2.5 site, now what?

Moblile Joomla installed on a 2.5 site, now what? 12 years, 10 months ago #8753

  • frosty1
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
  • Karma: 0
Ok, this might be a really stupid question but it's the first time I've looked at trying to change a joomla site to a mobile site which is what brought me to Mobile Joomla in the first place.
I thought I would test this application out before I purchased it so I installed the free version using a subdomain install and have it working as is.

So now my question is, now what? When changing a site to use the mobile joomla app I thought I would just be able to essentially plug and play which isn't the case. Do I need to have a different joomla site for the mobile app? I mean, the home page on my joomla site isn't idea for the mobile home page, so how would I create one that was? Do I make two home pages and change the mobile version to use that? If so, how? And, would I have to do the same for all the articles that are loaded into the mobile site as many of them aren't laid out well for the mobile view?

these are the questions I can't seem to find answers for. thanks.
Last Edit: 12 years, 10 months ago by frosty1.

Re: Moblile Joomla installed on a 2.5 site, now what? 12 years, 10 months ago #8802

  • frosty1
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 3
  • Karma: 0
I've been hunting for more information since this post and still haven't found any further info. I thought I would just use the default install and change the look of it but it's not documented very well on how to do it. So, then I thought would try a third party mobile template and assign it as the template for MJ however I can't find any info on installing templates.

I'm not sure why you would limit access to information on how to install templates as that seems to be some pretty basic info for users and potential customers.

"How to install a Mobile Joomla! template

You are not allowed to access this content"

Re: Moblile Joomla installed on a 2.5 site, now what? 12 years, 10 months ago #8876

  • dryabov
  • Administrator
  • Denis Ryabov, Lead Developer
  • Posts: 4864
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There is no difference between installing usual desktop templates and mobile one. Just instead of make template default or assign it to menu items you should choose it in dropdown box on MJ settings page.

frosty1 wrote:
I'm not sure why you would limit access to information on how to install templates as that seems to be some pretty basic info for users and potential customers.

"How to install a Mobile Joomla! template

You are not allowed to access this content"

That document is devoted to installing Mobile Elegance template, that's why it's allowed for subscribers only.
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