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Iphone only showing desktop ver after full site link clicked
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TOPIC: Iphone only showing desktop ver after full site link clicked

Iphone only showing desktop ver after full site link clicked 11 years, 8 months ago #15012

I have read the other similar threads pertaining to this issue, but none of the suggestions have resolved my issue. I have installed the plugin and it appears to be working. The issue is that when I view the site on my iphone, and click the "view full site" link at the bottom, on all subsequent vissits to the site the desktop version of the site is displayed.

I have to add /?device=iphone manually in the URL to get the mobile iphone version back regardless if I clear the phone's cache, the joomla site cache. I checked to ensure that the mobile joomla blugins are loaded before the site cache (which is disabled anyway) and it still displays this behavior.

This would not be a big deal for a first time visitor as they will get served the mobile version, but I don;t want them to be trapped in the full version if they click the full site link. I would like them to be served the mobile version again if they revisit the site.

Thanks in advance for any help. Looking to get the ad removal plug, but will have to find an alternative to the plugin if this issue cannot be resolved!

Re: Iphone only showing desktop ver after full site link clicked 11 years, 8 months ago #15083

Ok, I was able to get this working. Not sure if this is the best way, but it works for my purposes.

With this change, the behavior is that selecting to view the full site will show the desktop version, and clicking nav links will show the desktop version, but upon exiting the site and typing in the main .com url again, device=auto is added to the url and it will show the device dependent version once more without clearing cache or doing anything else other than reloading the URL.

I just used htaccess like so:

RewriteEngine on
# Rewrite to append "device=auto" query string to .html, .htm, .php, or index
# files at any directory level, unless that query string is already present
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !([^&]+&)*device=auto(&.*)?$
RewriteRule ^(([^/]/)*[^.]+\.(html?|php))?$ /$1?device=auto [QSA,L]

this does not appear to have any negative impact on any other aspect of my site, YMMV use at your own discretion etc. etc. etc.

Hopefully this is of use to someone else.

Last Edit: 11 years, 8 months ago by Damienelder.
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