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Only works if user comes in directly? Not email or search
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TOPIC: Only works if user comes in directly? Not email or search

Only works if user comes in directly? Not email or search 11 years, 4 months ago #16114

Can't see how to delete this post.


Purchased Elegance template, and set it up on my site:

Mobile Joomla looks & works great if the user comes to the site directly on phone (android, iPhone, etc.)

However, if user comes in via a link in an email, or found in a search engine, screen only loads a blank screen with the grey loading circle from Elegance template.

What's truly strange is the link can be 100% the exact same URL. Come in through the front door and click an article? Works fine. Come to the exact same URL via a link in an email or enewsletters? Doesn't work! Exact same URL! Agggg, my brain!

Anybody have any ideas? If you would like to test for yourself, please visit site, find an article, and email the link to yourself. Try to open on your phone.

Or alternatively, search in Google for "oregon business romania." Click top article, "Romanian immigrants dominate adult foster care ...."
Last Edit: 11 years, 4 months ago by Mediamerica. Reason: Delete this post

Re: Only works if user comes in directly? Not email or search 11 years, 4 months ago #16123

Figured it out. Following through to share the info.

The article pages were not loading when users came directly to article pages. Category blog views were loading fine. And article pages visited through category blog views would load fine.

The article pages were not loading due to "Load jQuery library" being set to "Yes" in mod_mobilesocialbuttons.

Just a note that we did have "Remove Other jQuery Libraries" set to "Yes" in the Advance tab of the Elegance template.
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