Yeah, it's the Mobile PDA template.
Here's what I have now (it works):
<?php $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance(); $results = $dispatcher->trigger( 'onMobileJoomlaAdCheck', array() ); if(in_array('f3da4a6dd8f15c9170572d18838c841e', array_map('md5', $results))) { // The user has installed plug-in to remove ads } else { ?> <div class="mj-sponsor-placement"> <script type="text/javascript"> //<!-- /* <![CDATA[ */ window.googleAfmcRequest = { client: 'ca-mb-pub-5710199815985059', format: '320x50_mb', output: 'html', slotname: '1896811186', }; /* ]]> */ //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript"src=""></script> </div> <?php }
There were TWO <? tags that were missing the php after them. Once you get both, it appears to work.