ronaldmcdonald wrote:
Hi at all,
i got the same problems.
Admin an User-Menus in Joomla will not display if the JoomlaMobil System Plugin is activated.
And i speak from normal Frontend, not the mobile one.
Something in this Plugin destroys the User-Authentification so that this menus are not show. After login the login modul show that i am logged in, but the site does not know - it seems so.
You have some Tipps for us to correct the mistake? What can we do now?
By the way, mobileJoomla is a great thing to do our site ready for mobil, on 1.5 we use it for about 1 or 2 yaers and there was no trouble. Now we changed to 1.7 and we are happy to see that you publish a new mobile version for joomla 1.7 . But if it make mistakes in the normal frontend it is not usefull.
greetings from Munich
Seems the problem is that Joomla!1.6 decreased maximal size of data in session table to 20Kb (it was 4Gb in J1.5), so that device data doesn't fit such a small size.
There are several solutions:
1. Disable Mobile-TeraWURFL plugin to descrease size of saved data.
2. Increase data limit by sql query (don't forget to replace jos_ by actual prefix)
ALTER TABLE `jos_session` CHANGE `data` `data` LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT NULL
Maybe there will be better fix for the issue in MobileJoomla 1.0RC2.