i had problems with the install i made, so i removed it and tried to remove it. but now i cant reinstall it. i have checked my directories and they all have write. can you provide a list of what needs to be removed. i am getting these errors. the one that bothered me the one was the last error. Could Not Build Admin Menus
Copy failed
JInstaller: :Install: Failed to copy file /home/s4bre/public_html/TORTUGA-COVE.COM/administrator/components/com_mobilejoomla/packages/plugins/mobilebot/mobilebot.php to /home/s4bre/public_html/TORTUGA-COVE.COM/plugins/system/mobilebot/mobilebot.php
Cannot install: Mobile Joomla Plugin.
JFolder::create: Could not create directory
Plugin Install: Failed to create directory: /home/s4bre/public_html/TORTUGA-COVE.COM/plugins/mobile/simple
Cannot install: Mobile - Simple.
JFolder::create: Could not create directory
Plugin Install: Failed to create directory: /home/s4bre/public_html/TORTUGA-COVE.COM/plugins/mobile/always
Cannot install: Mobile - Always.
JFolder::create: Could not create directory
Plugin Install: Failed to create directory: /home/s4bre/public_html/TORTUGA-COVE.COM/plugins/mobile/domains
Cannot install: Mobile - Domains.
JFolder::create: Could not create directory
Plugin Install: Failed to create directory: /home/s4bre/public_html/TORTUGA-COVE.COM/plugins/mobile/terawurfl
Cannot install: Mobile - TeraWURFL
Error building Admin Menus