I've set up Mobile Joomla. It works fine when it comes to redirecting to the Mobile version when using a mobile, and works correctly when I click on Standard version (i.e. Desktop). But when I click on any page or refresh the current page during the Standard version it redirects back to the Mobile version of the site (though it redirects to the correct article)
Is there a reason why it keeps on redirecting to the Mobile version when clicking on any link in Standard version (using a mobile)?
What .php files should I be looking into?
Should I be modifying the empty .htaccess file?
The $links variable from modules/mod_mj_markupchooser/tmpl/xhtml.php and iphone.php echos the following link:
But what component actually does the checking (of the IP? or cookies/cache?) to see if this user's mobile has clicked on Standard version and disables the Mobile version for a period of time [or is this functionality built separately from Mobile Joomla?]
Joomla 2.5
Mobile Joomla 1.2.8