I am working with:
Joomla 2.5.14 - VM latest version - Gantry 4 (mowebso) - MJ latest version - Daycounts latest version - Elegance latest version.
From the cart doesn't appear "buy as visitor" selection but just "Add/modify data for invoice". It is displayed the account registration form, followed by shopper info/invoice data form. Anyhow, no matter if you fill all forms or just shopper/invoice data (as "buy as visitor"), at the end of process it doesn't submit any order.
I have purchased Elegance template last February and updated to last version and I wanted to purchase MJPro too, yesterday (taking cupon advantage) but as I awared about this fault I decided to wait and see MJ to work properly.
I do appreciate some help to solve this problem
PS I am displaying on Window Phone 7