Since I couldn't find the "Switch" to turn the Standard Joomla! Credits off. I simply removed one line of code from the index.php file.
At the very bottom of the MJ Template's index.php file you'll see the following:
<div id="footer">
$modulepos = $MobileJoomla->getPosition('footer');
if($modulepos && $this->countModules($modulepos) > 0):
?><div id="<?php echo $modulepos; ?>"><?php $MobileJoomla->loadModules($modulepos); ?></div><?php
$modulepos = $MobileJoomla->getPosition('footer2');
if($modulepos && $this->countModules($modulepos) > 0):
?><div id="<?php echo $modulepos; ?>"><?php $MobileJoomla->loadModules($modulepos); ?></div><?php
$modulepos = $MobileJoomla->getPosition('footer3');
if($modulepos && $this->countModules($modulepos) > 0):
?><div id="<?php echo $modulepos; ?>"><?php $MobileJoomla->loadModules($modulepos); ?></div><?php
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
$results = $dispatcher->trigger( 'onMobileJoomlaAdCheck', array() );
if(in_array('f3da4a6dd8f15c9170572d18838c841e', array_map('md5', $results)))
// The user has installed plug-in to remove ads
<div class="mj-sponsor-placement">
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
document.write('<script src'+'="http'+('https:'==document.location.protocol?'s':'')+'://'+encodeURIComponent(window.location.hostname)+'" type="text/javascript"><'+'/script>');
/* ]]> */
What worked for me was simply deleting or commenting this line:
Hope this helps someone else.