As this thread is linked from the Installation page, I'd add how I managed with GoDaddy (payed hosting).
1. download install package to local machine
2. extract it (to "Mobile-Joomla.1.0-RC2.1" directory)
3. extract tera_dump.sql from Mobile-Joomla.1.0-RC2.1/packages/plugins/terawurfl/tera_dump.sql.bz2
4. replace all "#__" with "jos_" in tera_dump.sql (you can use any good text editor)
5. package tera_dump.sql back into tera_dump.sql.bz2
6. upload whole Mobile-Joomla.1.0-RC2.1 directory to myjoomlainstall/tmp directory
7. edit php.ini/php5.ini in web root directory like this:
memory_limit = 128M
post_max_size = 10M
file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 10M
8. wait until the above settings show up in Joomla Administration: Site > System Information > PHP Information
9. install with Extensions > Extension manager > Install from Directory, the full directory path shall look something like this:
(you can get your Absolute Hosting Path from GoDaddy Hosting Dashboard. If your Joomla is installed in the web root directory, "myjoomlainstall/" is not needed.)